Licensing Policy and Procedures Handbook Revision July 2008

This revision of the Licensing Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on July 1, 2008. The revisions are explained below.

Types of Reports Investigated by Licensing

This item is revised to update the types of reports Licensing investigates.

6220 Assessing Information and the Immediate Safety of the Child

Investigations With Approved Extensions

This item is revised to update the procedure for conducting investigations with approved extensions.

6300 Classifying the Report

Parallel Investigations With CPS

This item is revised to update policy regarding investigations in which a caregiver is related to a child in care. The item is also revised to update procedure regarding actions taken by Licensing that involve parallel investigations with CPS.

6420 Reports Alleging Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of Children Related to the Caregiver

Investigations in CPS and CPA Foster Homes

This item is revised to update policy regarding investigations of verified foster homes that have a history of family violence.

The item is also revised to comply with 40 TAC,§745.8407, regarding the investigation of incidents that occur in foster homes and directly involve a child under the age of six.

      6481 Investigations in Child-Placing Agency Homes (CPA) and Child Protective Services (CPS) Homes

Completing the Investigation

Minor wording changes were made to this item.

6600 Completing the Investigation

Referencing the Texas Family Code When Documenting Allegations of Exploitation

This item is revised to update the procedure for referencing the Texas Family Code, §261.401, when documenting allegations of exploitation.

6610 Types of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Disposition Codes When Entering Allegations of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

This item is revised to update information on allegation codes and allegation roles in IMPACT.

This section is also revised to update procedure when documenting a finding of Reason to Believe, with an Unknown Perpetrator.

6611 Dispositions for Investigations of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Content of a Findings Letter to a Perpetrator

This item was revised to update information on the content of a notification letter to a perpetrator.

6740 Notifying the Perpetrator About Findings of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

Change in Initiation Time Frames for Investigations

This item was revised to update information on initiation time frames for intakes received for abuse or neglect allegations and non abuse or neglect allegations.

Appendix 6000-1 Time Frames for Investigations

Cross References

Cross references to the revised items have been updated in the following items. No other changes were made to these items:

4400 Planning for Monitoring Inspections

6100 Philosophy of Investigations

6220 Assessing Information and the Immediate Safety of the Child

6410 Referring Reports of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Child Death