Handbook Revision, July 2, 2018

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on July 2, 2018.

CPS wants to ensure that the general public understands what critical actions caseworkers are required to perform and why. To further this understanding, CPS has set up a policy email box for the general public: CPSPolicyQuestions@dfps.texas.gov. Please feel free to contact us, via this email address, with any general questions related to policy.

For questions or concerns regarding specific cases, please contact the caseworker or supervisor, or the Office of Consumer Relations at 1-800-720-7777.

Dental Policy (PATS 10922)

This item is revised to be consistent with 11212 Initial Texas Health Steps Dental Checkup, which reflects STAR Health program requirements and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommendations to require the initial Texas Health Steps dental checkup within 60 days of a child entering DFPS conservatorship.


6431 Initial Assessment Services