PMET for Purchased Client Services

User Login

Enter your email address along with your password. Don't have an account? Click to Register

**Your password must contain at least 8 to 14 characters and no spaces, using at least one character from all 4 of these categories:
1. Uppercase letters: A, B, C … Z
2. Lowercase letters: a, b, c … z
3. Numerals: 1, 2, 3 … 9
4. One of the following non-alphanumeric characters (important):# - ( ) , . / : ; < > ? [ | * _ { } ~ = ! $ % ^ & +
5. Not contain consecutive duplicate characters such as: 99 or BB
6. Not contain consecutive numbers or letters such as: 1234 or ABCD
7. Not be words found in the dictionary, including slang, dialect, jargon, and so on
8. Not be based on personal information, names of family, and so on