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Placement of DFPS Children Outside of the United States

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) policy on placing children for adoption outside the country is in Section 6947 of the Child Protective Services Handbook.

6947 Making Placements In Other Countries

A child should not be placed in an adoptive placement outside of the United States unless there is a prior relationship between the child and family. Making placements out of the country has implications for a child’s eligibility for state and federal support services.

When considering a family who is either living out of the country or who will be moving out of the country during the supervision period, the caseworker or supervisor must determine the extent of the prior relationship with the prospective adoptive family.

If the caseworker or supervisor determines that the child has a significant relationship with the prospective adoptive family and it is in the best interest of the child to continue that relationship with the adoptive family, then the caseworker:

  •  informs the prospective adoptive parents of the limitations for medical assistance and other support services to the child and determines how the child’s medical needs will be met when the child moves;

  •  requires the family to arrange for supervision of the adoption (such as with a military social caseworker if the family lives on a base);

  •  obtains information regarding the country where the family will be living and services available to the child and family to meet the child’s short and long term needs; and

  •  requests written approval from the deputy director for Protective Services for Families and Children. If this approval is obtained, the caseworker:

  •  obtains written approval from the court with jurisdiction over the child; and

  •  informs Interstate Compact staff of the child’s move out of the country.

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