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Community Support for Adoption and Foster Care

There are many ways you, your family, or your organization can support adoption and foster care.

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VolunteerDFPS logoThe schedule summary and qualifications required for these CPS volunteer opportunities and many others can be found at Volunteer DFPS.

Recruit Foster & Adoptive Parents Work with local staff, media and community groups to recruit prospective foster and/or adoptive parents. Could include working on mass-media campaigns, or specialized recruitment efforts to help individual children.
Holiday Gift Projects Shopping for/wrapping gifts or assembling food baskets for the holiday season, in accordance with CPS clients' needs. (November - December)
Speaker's Bureau Speak at community meetings, help educate at orientation meetings for volunteers,etc., to increase community awareness of FPS's mission and programs, and/or share volunteer experiences and tips.
Quilters & Blanket Makers Groups or individuals quilt, sew or crochet blankets to give to children for their very own upon removal or adoption.
Translator Work along with staff to translate as they assist parents, children and families. Requires direct contact with clients and family members.
LifeBook Assembly Help children and caseworkers assemble the child's LifeBook (a scrapbook to help the child prepare for adoption)

Committed and caring adults mentoring youth in foster care and youth who have transitioned out of foster care.

PAL Program Mentor Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Program helps older teens in foster care gain skills and resources they will need for adult life after leaving foster care. Mentors serve as caring adult guides and positive role models, encouraging youth toward career and educational goals.

Are you interested in mentoring foster youth?

Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? We are looking for committed and caring adults to mentor youth in foster care and youth who have transitioned out of foster care. Youth need positive role models, so if you have some time to give, please visit Mentoring Foster Youth to find a list of the organizations in your area that mentor foster youth.

Note: The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is sharing this in an effort to promote mentoring opportunities for foster youth. Be advised that mentoring organizations operate independently of DFPS. Volunteers must follow the application and selection process according to the volunteer requirements of the organization. Organizations may not be accepting new mentors at this time.
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