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Placement of DFPS Children in other States

Children in the care of DFPS may be considered for adoption by families who reside out-of-state. As with any family, the out-of-state family must have a current approved adoption home study. The study needs to be approved by an agency licensed to place children for adoption.

The two child placing agencies (DFPS and the out-of state agency) work together to assess the child's needs and the family's ability to meet those needs. If the placement is approved, the out-of state agency is responsible to provide placement support services and supervision until consummation of the adoption.

The out-of-state agency provides DFPS with progress reports and in most instances is also eligible for reimbursement for their services. They are only eligible if they have a contract with the department (DFPS) prior to placement.

Prior to placement, the placement must be approved by the Interstate Compact Office in each state.

Basically the same process happens for placement of non-DFPS children out-of-state as far as the home study requirements. The family must have an approved adoption home study completed by an agency in their state and the placement must be approved by the Interstate Compact.

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