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Region 5, Beaumont and surrounding area

Foster Care and Adoption Information Meetings


Texas Map divided by  DFPS Regions 1 - Northwest District 2 - Northwest District 3 - Arlington District 4 - East Central District 5 - East Central District 7 - East Central District 6 - Houston District 8 - South Texas District 11 - South Texas District 9 - Northwest District 10 - Northwest District Recruitment Events and Foster/Adopt Information Meetings:

Texas Family Care Network is responsible for Foster Care and Adoption Information Meetings for all of Region 5 Counties. Please find Information Meeting details below.

Texas Family Care Network is now in partnership with DFPS as part of Community-Based Care. Community-Based Care is a new way of providing foster care and case management services. It's a community-based approach to meeting the individual and unique needs of children, youth, and families. For more information regarding Community-Based Care, please visit


Recruitment Staff

Staff can answer questions for the community on how to become foster and adoptive families.

Contact Texas Family Care Network:

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