
CLEAR Workgroup

APS created a workgroup in response to changes by the 85th Legislature and direction from the DFPS commissioner. The workgroup is known as the CLEAR (Casework: Logical, Efficient, and Responsible) workgroup. The group is composed of APS field managers. It conducted a complete review of APS’ daily work to find ways improve efficiency without compromising client outcomes.

The workgroup held meetings and gathered feedback from local focus groups and APS managers meetings, and gave APS field staff opportunities for input. The workgroup made recommendations that have been or will be incorporated into policy. This includes clarifying policies about notifications to law enforcement and financial exploitation investigations involving people in long-term care facilities. These changes will increase law enforcement awareness of potential crimes against vulnerable adults and ensure allegations of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation are thoroughly investigated. The workgroup also identified the need for training and reinforcement of existing policy for APS staff, which improves case management for clients.


In addition to the CLEAR workgroup recommendations, APS implemented Insight, a quick-reference tool that puts information like task deadlines and critical case milestones into online dashboards and other graphical summaries. Insight links to the IMPACT case management system and helps APS staff quickly and easily manage their daily work, while also helping supervisors balance workload among their staff.