General Information

There are two categories of DFPS records: case records and administrative records.  For more information on the two types click here.  

DFPS is responsible for maintaining a significant amount of information that does not consist of case records. This information, broadly referred to as "administrative records,” is created when DFPS takes action on the general business of the agency. Examples of administrative records include:

  • Personnel records
  • Contract records
  • Travel records
  • Statistical and data records
  • Policy matters
  • Statutes and rules related to DFPS [Read more]

In order to get an administrative record, you must submit an open records request.

Making an Open Records Request

Your request for an administrative record does not need to include any special language. Please identify as specifically as possible the information you want and make sure you request documents maintained by DFPS.

Keep in mind:

  • When you make a request for CPS case records, DFPS Open Records Team will direct you to the Requesting a Copy of Case Records page.
  • A records request, cannot address questions or complaints about DFPS. These concerns are handled by the Office of Consumer Affairs .
  • DFPS Open Records Team is not required to answer questions to fulfill a request.
  • DFPS Open Records Team is not required to create or complete documents to fulfill a request (e.g. employment verification forms and letters).
  • DFPS Open Records Team may contact you to ask for more information to ensure that we understand what documents you are requesting.

Please visit the DFPS Records Portal where you can create an account and submit an open records request.

Time Frames

The amount of time it takes DFPS to fulfill your request for an administrative record depends on the size and scope of the record. DFPS is required to promptly fulfill a request considered releasable. When you need to obtain an administrative record quickly, DFPS will try to accommodate you, but may not be able to expedite your request. If DFPS cannot provide you with a releasable administrative record within 10 business days, DFPS must tell you when the information will be released to you.

For more information on time frames please see the following Records Management Policies:

DFPS Open Records operates in accordance to the state holiday calendar each fiscal year for receiving and processing request. To review business operating days, please see the state holiday calendar for the current fiscal year.


If your request involves significant cost to DFPS, you may be asked to pay for the information you want. To determine your cost for an administrative record, DFPS looks to:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Public Information Act?

What are my rights as a requester?

When will I receive the requested information?