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Data Resources for Texas Workforce Commission

Child Care Availability Data

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This website can help a community understand kindergarten readiness scores, pre-k enrollment, eligible kids not being served by pre-k or Head Start, pre-k class sizes, and more.

Child Care by the Numbers

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This data can help a community understand how many Texas Rising Star (TRS) programs there are, how many children are in subsidy, how many children are in TRS programs, and more.

Texas Rising Star (TRS) Calculator

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This is a Microsoft Excel calculator from TWC that can help child care programs calculate how much money they could make if they were TRS.

TWC Child Care Services Data and Reports

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The following resources on the TWC Child Care Services Data and Reports page can be helpful when developing a prevention strategy:

State Plan

The State Plan can help communities understand TWC’s investments and priorities as they plan their own. It can also be used to reduce duplication and increase coordination.

Market Rate Survey

The Market Rate Survey can help communities understand how much parents are paying for childcare in their region.

801 Reports

The Child Care and Development Fund Monthly Case-Level Report (ACF-801) reports provide child-level data (such as race and household income) for subsidy programs. This data is useful if you have great data analytics people who can code and analyze the data in a meaningful way.

Pre-K Partnership Calculator

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This website provides a calculator tool and how-to video that can help child care programs determine how they should set up their pre-k partnership.

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