Social Media Toolkit

Bullying Prevention

October is World Bullying Prevention Month. Did you know at least 1 out of every 5 kids in the United States is bullied? In Texas, at least 40% of those who are bullied have seriously considered suicide. The conversation to prevent bulling can start as early as a when a child learns the difference between kindness and unkindness.

To give caregivers the tools to empower their children to be anti-bullying champions and to get messaging out about bullying prevention, the PEI Communications Team created content designed to help caregivers have conversations with their children about bullying that can be posted on your organization’s websites or social media channels.

  • These messages and links can be used as is or they can be customized in any way that works best for your community. For example, if your agency has a hotline, you may consider replacing the Texas Youth Helpline with it. Or if your agency has a bullying prevention program, consider replacing the links to the Get Parenting Tips website with links to your program’s information.
  • There are some social media sample images included in this toolkit that you are free to share.
  • The National Bullying Prevention Center also has a library of images and messaging that are free for use.

Date to Remember:

Sample Social Media Posts

Hashtags:#BullyingPreventionMonth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #BullyingPrevention #STOMPOutBullying #ChooseKindness #BeKind #BlueUp #UnityDay

Special Dates

Awareness Posts

Sample Images

Right click and save to download.

Bullying Prevention Month. 1 in 5 kids are bullied. 5 in 5 can help prevent it. Bullying hurts. Teased girl pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. 1 in 5 kids are bullied. 5 in 5 can help prevent it. Bullying hurts. Teasing girls pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. The end of bullying begins with you. Mother and son pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. The end of bullying begins with you. Mother and daughter pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. The end of bullying begins with you. Father and son pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. The end of bullying begins with you. Father and daughter pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. Together we can build a world without bullying. Teens pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. Together we can build a world without bullying. Family pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. Together we can build a world without bullying. Group of yong people pictured.
Bullying Prevention Month. Onine actions have an offline impact. Young lady looking at her phone.
Bullying Prevention Month. Onine actions have an offline impact. Family looking at son's phone.
Bullying Prevention Month. Onine actions have an offline impact. Sad boy.
Bullying Prevention Month. In a world where they can be anything, encourage kindness. Teen in a wheel chair
Bullying Prevention Month. In a world where they can be anything, encourage kindness. Mom and daughter
Bullying Prevention Month. In a world where they can be anything, encourage kindness. Parents hugging young man in graduation hat.


Resource Cards

Right click and save to download.

A resource card with various 24/7 Toll-Free Confidential Hotlines
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK(8255).
The Texas Youth Helpline home page phone number, text and chat info, with a guy in the photo.
The Texas Youth Helpline home page phone number, text and chat info, with a girl in the photo.


Bullying Prevention

24/7 Toll-Free Helplines