Adult Protective Services Handbook Revision September 2010

This revision of the Adult Protective Services Handbook was published on September 1, 2010. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

State Term Contract Procurement Cards

Authorizing Purchased Client Services

State Term Contract Procurement Cards

The items below are revised to clarify when it is appropriate to use procurement cards, and to clarify documentation requirements and time frames for processing APS Service Authorizations in the IMPACT system when using the card. This change makes policy easier to understand and increases compliance by field staff when using the card.

The policy change incorporates good business practices and allows for regions to use procedures designed to support quality assurance of purchasing procedures and documentation reviews.


3600 State Term Contract Procurement Cards

3610 Procedures for the Use of State Term Contract Procurement Cards

3616 Reconciling the State Term Contract Procurement Card Billing Statement

3620 Documenting State Term Contract Procurement Card Purchases

Authorizing Purchased Client Services

The items below are revised to clarify the time frames for handling Purchased Client Services, and to increase the dollar amounts that must have supervisor or program administrator approvals. This policy change decreases the number of purchases that require supervisor and program administrator approval.

Other clarifications are made in regards to procedures for making purchases and processing claims.


3513 Authorizing Purchased Client Services

3515 Obtaining Management Approval to Authorize Purchased Client Services (PCS)

3525 APS Service Authorization

3720 Documentation Requirements for POPS

3731 Procedure for Contracts

3732 Documentation Requirements for Contracts

3740 Claims Processing

3741 Procedure for Claims Processing

3742 Documentation Requirements for Claims Processing