Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook Revision August 2012

This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on August 1, 2012. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Elimination of Documenting Extensive History Search Results After Hours

Standardization of Conclusions in Intake Narratives


Elimination of Documenting Extensive History Search Results After Hours (PATS 5207)

The item below is revised to eliminate the requirement that SWI document the extended history search for after-hours cases. This courtesy is no longer required, since field staff have been provided with notebook computers.

SWI staff will continue to perform history searches, as these are integral to the intake process. Cases would still be pasted into the Narrative, in the same manner that they are now during regular business hours. Since the case history is provided to them, the field staff can look up the previous cases to find information, such as the allegations and names and histories of victims and alleged perpetrators. See:

3132 Conclusion Section

Standardization of Conclusions in Intake Narratives (PATS 5212)

The item below is revised to simplify and streamline documentation of intakes. See:

3921 Call-Outs Performed by SWI Support Staff


The items below were accidentally removed from the handbook and are now restored. See:

2131 Calling Back a Reporter

2400 Law Enforcement “Welfare Checks”

The title of the item below is revised.

2130 Reporter Contact and Interaction