Child Care Licensing

Handbook Revision, December 1, 2014

This revision of the Licensing Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on December 1, 2014. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Pictures in Sensitive Areas

Abuse or Neglect When a Perpetrator Cannot Be Determined

Determining Whether a Program Is Exempt From Regulation

Administrative Penalties

Pictures in Sensitive Areas (PATS 7522)

LPPH 6413.4 is being revised with regard to initiating investigations and taking pictures of children's injuries, or lack of injuries, in sensitive areas.

Display of Revisions with Changes Highlighted


6413.4 Initiation of an Investigation Involving a Child With Serious Injuries

1422.1 Taking Sensitive Photographs

Abuse or Neglect When a Perpetrator Cannot Be Determined (PATS 7523)

This revision involves reversing the order of current 6622.1 and 6622.2 to clarify intent.


6622.1 Types of Abuse or Neglect

6622.2 Issuing a Finding of Abuse or Neglect When the Perpetrator Cannot Be Determined

Determining Whether a Program Is Exempt From Regulation (PATS 7527)

This policy revision updates the links to the new exemption forms and clarifies LPPH 2320.


2320 Determining Whether a Program Is Exempt From Regulation

Administrative Penalties (PATS 7567)

The items below are revised to better reflect Licensing rules

The supervisor is no longer required to consult with the director or manager before recommending an administrative penalty for legal review. The administrative penalty notification letter has been revised to state that the provider now has 30 days, rather than 20, to accept the penalty or request a due process hearing. Procedure is streamlined to allow staff to issue the order imposing an administrative penalty without a second review from Legal.

Display of Revisions with Changes Highlighted


7530 Recommending the Administrative Penalty

7542 Content of the Administrative Penalty Notification

7543 Imposing the Administrative Penalty